our values

We develop your success

Our values are:

  • Flexibility - we innovate where there is a need
  • Pragmatism - we can do it with attitude
  • Innovation - only if something is not working anymore
  • Collaboration - we love protocols and interfaces
  • we trust in our powers, in our know-how, in optimal results
  • we love to learn and are learning continuously about what we do.
  • we rely on each other, while collaboration doesn't mean only between businesses, but also between our team members
  • we are a team experienced older young people, creative and funny mates, going through good days and bad days together

We enable companies to gain a competitive advantage in the new technology-driven world with our innovative solutions and strategies. 

How we got here? Here are some milestones:

  • IBL was established in 2000
  • partnership with requirements management professionals 
  • opening in Timisoara
  • building a competitive team in Arad
our partners

They trust us!

Having strong collaborative partners, our clients always get the actual information and solutions, efficiently tailored to their needs.
Those, who make part of our team in creating the best solutions for you are:

With more than 12 years experience, Intermiranda is active in the area of requirements management / requirements engineering for defense, automotive, aerospace and automotive.

The main focus is on goal oriented and pragmatic use of the tools for version control, project management and requirement management which is always oriented to the needs of the users .

Evocean is specialized in agile continuous improvement and change projects in IT and R&D. As a strategic partner of various innovative tool-manufacturers, the company offers a full range of integrated solutions in the areas of Requirements Management, Model Driven Development, Configuration Management and Product Line Engineering. It supports customers with coaching, training and tools.

ReqTeam is a tool producer who offers innovative solutions in the areas of requirements management, ALM and Systems Engineering. The main application is ReqEdit, the structured document editor, which helps working with ReqIf files, in areas of data exchange, testing, traceability. 

Offers support in the selection of suitable tools, the roll out, the interface management and the data exchange with coaching and trainings in the clients company. Its goal is to develop and adapt tools in order to secure efficiency and success.

why choose us



Supporting our clients through the whole product development cycle, training and maintenance also


Traceability in development, experience allows us to provide smooth and quick solutions. We respect your time and money, as we care about deadlines


Deliver quick and high value digital products. Constantly improving and maximizing efficiency. Clearly defined procedures.


You will benefit of experts, you don't need to hire. We worked on many different fields through the years, experience in software development, and also on other areas as management, business, finance.


Programmer doesn't mean we are not humans. We explain you every step and detail you want to understand. We are fluent in German, English, Romanian and Hungarian.


We care about the security in every field of IT. Data and information security is number one priority.

real testimonials

What They Say About Us?

Our main developing partner for over 10 years, is helping us with great knowledge in ALM solutions and data exchange. Lots of experience in Java, C#, DXL, XML tools.  They adapt continuously up to date methods of time management and communication, so our collaboration become more efficient during the years. 

Employee of Reqteam